I finished my latest spinning commission. Both came out at 500+ yards of fingering weight, and I’m wishing I had extra for myself!

I finished my latest spinning commission. Both came out at 500+ yards of fingering weight, and I’m wishing I had extra for myself!
I just finished spinning the six skeins someone ordered for a shawl.
They chose the colors and had the wool send to me from the vendors. I spun it up and sent them photos as I went. I think all six skeins came out lovely.
I had to stop spinning for two weeks, due to emergency surgery. It was… not fun. But this morning I was able to get back to my wheel to finish turning this:
into this:
Twenty ounces of fiber worked out to around 1,000 yards of sport/DK weight 3-ply yarn. I’m quite please with the results. Each skein is in the gradient order of the unspun fiber, so the yarn goes from ivory to light yellow to gold to brown. Altogether they’ll make a beautiful shawl or other large project.
As always, contact me if you’re interested in having me spin for you. I love doing commissions!
Isn’t it gorgeous? The colors are in the order of the gradient.
The yarn is all destined for one project, so for the second skein (currently on the wheel) I’ve mixed a bit of the dark end of the first skein with the light end of the second so that it will provide a continuous, gentle color transition as the knitter makes their project.
A client of mine sent me four 5-ounce braids of this beautiful wool from Corgi Hill Farm, in the colorway “Byzantine Coin.”
It’s 60% BFL wool and 40% Bombyx silk. It’s the most delicious fiber I’ve ever had the pleasure of spinning, and I have twenty ounces of it to spin. I’ll post pictures once it’s done!